Technology is an important driver of political and economic change, the two biggest causes of growing unpredictability for business, as revealed by QBE’s Unpredictability Index. Social media is changing the political debate while new technologies – like driverless cars, robotics and artificial intelligence - are expected to have huge impact on people's lives. According to McKinsey, around 60% of occupations will be in some way
impacted by automation, while up to 800 million current jobs could be eliminated by 2030.
Technology is now at the heart of most organizations, driving their operations, supply chains and distribution. However, the pace of technology adoption appears to be outstripping the technical and cyber security capabilities of most users and companies. Many do not fully understand what cyber means
800 million
current jobs could be eliminated
by automation by 2030
for them, nor do they anticipate the impact on their business when something goes wrong.
With hindsight, many cyber incidents seem predictable, even preventable. When compared with risks like natural catastrophes or fire - which are well understood and can be modelled using historical loss data - cyber risk is particularly tricky to pin-down. When, where and how a cyber event will unfold is very difficult to predict.
Even where likely scenarios can be identified, the likely impact and potential financial loss can be hard to anticipate and calculate.
1 World Economic Forum Global Risks, 2019 PwC survey,
Technology is an important driver of political and economic change, the two biggest causes of growing unpredictability for business, as revealed by QBE’s Unpredictability Index. Social media is changing the political debate while new technologies – like driverless cars, robotics and artificial intelligence - are expected to have huge impact on people's lives. According to McKinsey, around 60% of occupations will be in some way impacted by automation, while up to 800 million current jobs could be eliminated by 2030.
Technology is now at the heart of most organizations, driving their operations, supply chains and distribution. However, the pace of technology adoption appears to be outstripping the technical and cyber security capabilities of most users and companies. Many do not fully understand what cyber means for them, nor do they anticipate the impact on their business when something goes wrong.
With hindsight, many cyber incidents seem predictable, even preventable. When compared with risks like natural catastrophes or fire - which are well understood and can be modelled using historical loss data - cyber risk is particularly tricky to pin-down. When, where and how a cyber event will unfold is very difficult to predict.
800 million
current jobs could be eliminated
by automation by 2030
Even where likely scenarios can be identified, the likely impact and potential financial loss can be hard to anticipate and calculate.
1 World Economic Forum Global Risks, 2019 PwC survey,
Organizations will not know where on the spectrum they will get hit or the degree of impact. Since each business has its own IT set-up, it is hard to learn from the experience of one’s peers.
Keeping on top of cyber risk is also a challenge. Cyber is a never-ending race where hackers are always one step ahead and new vulnerabilities can come from unexpected sources. Emerging threats include the exploitation of IoT devices and
hardware vulnerabilities (such as the 2018 Meltdown and Spectre threats), while attention is now turning to cyber attacks powered by artificial intelligence. Regardless of how
robust an organization’s cyber security defences are, it will never be immune.
Predicting the impact of a cyber incident is particularly difficult and will vary widely by company, even for the same incident. For example, the 2017 NotPetya malware attack caused massive disruption for a number of companies, while others in the same sector were unscathed.
Scale and interconnectivity also drive unpredictability - last year’s Marriott hotel data breach affected 500 million people, while the 2017 WannaCry ransomware outbreak affected an estimated 300,000
computers in 150 countries. According to recent Lloyd’s of London research, a large global contagious malware attack could affect more than 600,000 businesses worldwide and cost US$193 billion; as large as a major natural catastrophe event.
Organizations will not know where on the spectrum they will get hit or the degree of impact. Since each business has its own IT set-up, it is hard to learn from the experience of one’s peers.
Keeping on top of cyber risk is also a challenge. Cyber is a never-ending race where hackers are always one step ahead and new vulnerabilities can come from unexpected sources. Emerging threats include the exploitation of IoT devices and hardware vulnerabilities (such as the 2018 Meltdown and Spectre threats), while attention is now turning to cyber attacks powered by artificial intelligence. Regardless of how robust an organization’s cyber security defences are, it will never be immune.
Predicting the impact of a cyber incident is particularly difficult and will vary widely by company, even for the same incident. For example, the 2017 NotPetya malware attack caused massive disruption for a number of companies, while others in the same sector were unscathed.
Scale and interconnectivity also drive unpredictability - last year’s Marriott hotel data breach affected 500 million people, while the 2017 WannaCry ransomware outbreak affected an estimated 300,000 computers in 150 countries. According to recent Lloyd’s of London research, a large global contagious malware attack could affect more than 600,000 businesses worldwide and cost US$193 billion; as large as a major natural catastrophe event.
For example, a manufacturer suffering an IT systems outage might be able to make up for lost production, but would face the additional cost of workarounds and potentially loss of business. Last year, semi-conductor manufacturer TSMC was hit by malware, resulting in an estimated 3% loss of revenue and additional costs. Business interruption losses and additional expenses arising from the NotPetya attack cost shipping group Maersk and logistics company FedEx US$300 million apiece while food manufacturer Mondelez reported losses from the attack in excess of US$100 million. As insurers of cyber risk, we see many incidents where companies have not fully understood
“As insurers of cyber risk, we see many incidents where companies have not fully understood the ripple effect of a cyber incident.”
the ripple effect of a cyber incident. Even where a company prepares for possible cyber scenarios, the performance of business continuity plans in practice is difficult to predict. Restarting systems in a controlled environment, for example, is very different to the reality of rebooting following an outage or a ransomware attack.
For example, a manufacturer suffering an IT systems outage might be able to make up for lost production, but would face the additional cost of workarounds and potentially loss of business. Last year, semi-conductor manufacturer TSMC was hit by malware, resulting in an estimated 3% loss of revenue and additional costs. Business interruption losses and additional expenses arising from the NotPetya attack cost shipping group Maersk and logistics company FedEx US$300 million apiece while food manufacturer Mondelez reported losses from the attack in excess of US$100 million. As insurers of cyber risk, we see many incidents where companies have not fully understood the ripple effect of a cyber incident. Even where a company prepares for possible cyber scenarios, the performance of business continuity plans in practice is difficult to predict. Restarting systems in a controlled environment, for example, is very different to the reality of rebooting following an outage or a ransomware attack.
“As insurers of cyber risk, we see many incidents where companies have not fully understood the ripple effect of a cyber incident.”
New regulations and untested laws create uncertainty for companies, from the size of fines to the compensation sought by affected individuals. This can already be seen with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which introduced tough data protection and privacy rules in May 2018. The GDPR gives regulators greater powers and consumers enhanced rights, but it will take several years before the
implications of the GDPR are fully understood.
Cyber is an emerging area for liability, where we see a high degree of uncertainty. The GDPR, for example, is still in its infancy, but how regulators enforce the new data protection and privacy laws will be critical to companies both within and outside the European Union. The GDPR applies to companies processing EU data anywhere in
the world, while a growing number of countries are now looking to introduce similar requirements.
Litigation is also an emerging area for cyber. To date we have not seen a large volume of litigation, but there is clearly potential far greater third party liability going forward. Laws like the GDPR make it easier for individuals to claim compensation following a cyber incident, including for non-financial damages, like emotional distress. Attitudes to privacy and service disruption are changing, and a growing number of cyber incidents are leading to collective actions as investors and consumers seek compensation for damages suffered.
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New regulations and untested laws create uncertainty for companies, from the size of fines to the compensation sought by affected individuals. This can already be seen with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which introduced tough data protection and privacy rules in May 2018. The GDPR gives regulators greater powers and consumers enhanced rights, but it will take several years before the implications of the GDPR are fully understood.
Cyber is an emerging area for liability, where we see a high degree of uncertainty. The GDPR, for example, is still in its infancy, but how regulators enforce the new data protection and privacy laws will be critical to companies both within and outside the European Union. The GDPR applies to companies processing EU data anywhere in the world, while a growing number of countries are now looking to introduce similar requirements.
Litigation is also an emerging area for cyber. To date we have not seen a large volume of litigation, but there is clearly potential far greater third party liability going forward. Laws like the GDPR make it easier for individuals to claim compensation following a cyber incident, including for non-financial damages, like emotional distress. Attitudes to privacy and service disruption are changing, and a growing number of cyber incidents are leading to collective actions as investors and consumers seek compensation for damages suffered.
Be the first to receive a copy of the QBE Unpredictability Index when it’s published.
of risk managers are now working closely with their IT and cyber security colleagues
identify and assess risks prior to the adoption of new technologies by the business
A survey of risk managers by the Federation of Risk Management Associations (FERMA) found 93% of risk managers are now working closely with their IT and cyber security colleagues while 37% already identify and assess risks prior to the adoption of new technologies by the business.
It is still early days for digitalization, however, through experience, companies will get better at understanding cyber risk and prevention. In the meantime,
there are steps that companies can take now to reduce the risk. For example, in addition to basic cyber security hygiene – such as penetration testing, patching and training – planning for a cyber event like an outage or data breach can significantly reduce the impact.
At a high level, companies should think through the what-ifs of a data breach or outage, identifying data, services and third parties that are
of risk managers are now working closely with their IT and cyber security colleagues
identify and assess risks prior to the adoption of new technologies by the business
A survey of risk managers by the Federation of Risk Management Associations (FERMA) found 93% of risk managers are now working closely with their IT and cyber security colleagues while 37% already identify and assess risks prior to the adoption of new technologies by the business.
It is still early days for digitalization, however, through experience, companies will get better at understanding cyber risk and prevention. In the meantime, there are steps that companies can take now to reduce the risk. For example, in addition to basic cyber security hygiene – such as penetration testing, patching and training – planning for a cyber event like an outage or data breach can significantly reduce the impact.
At a high level, companies should think through the what-ifs of a data breach or outage, identifying data, services and third parties that are
critical to their business. It pays to spend time working through scenarios ahead of time, preparing crisis response and business continuity plans. Experience has shown that good preparation can significantly reduce the impact of a data breach, and by building overall resilience, an organization should be able to respond to any cyber event, however unexpected.
Technology could also come to the aid of companies, providing tools to help assess and quantify cyber risk. Cyber risk assessment platforms can already assess and benchmark an organization’s cyber risk and cyber security, as well as help quantify losses or map supply chains. Such
tools are in their early stages of development but are likely to become indispensable in coming years.
Companies can also transfer risk to the insurance industry, as well as access their services and expertise. Cyber insurance products are improving all the time and can bring additional comfort as organizations invest in new technology and digital business models.
critical to their business. It pays to spend time working through scenarios ahead of time, preparing crisis response and business continuity plans. Experience has shown that good preparation can significantly reduce the impact of a data breach, and by building overall resilience, an organization should be able to respond to any cyber event, however unexpected.
Technology could also come to the aid of companies, providing tools to help assess and quantify cyber risk. Cyber risk assessment platforms can already assess and benchmark an organization’s cyber risk and cyber security, as well as help quantify losses or map supply chains. Such tools are in their early stages of development but are likely to become indispensable in coming years.
Companies can also transfer risk to the insurance industry, as well as access their services and expertise. Cyber insurance products are improving all the time and can bring additional comfort as organizations invest in new technology and digital business models.
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