Be clear about the direction you want your business to go in, the main levers to get there and put guiderails or boundaries in place that allow your people flexibility in how they deliver your goals.
Everyone in your business needs to be up to speed on any changing market dynamics and evolving plans. Even if there is no new or unclear information, it’s important for leaders to communicate that message with teams as well as elicit their ideas and views. Bottlenecks and barriers need to be understood early so they can be dealt with quickly. This allows decisions to be made where they matter most, at the front line.
Maintaining focus on the task at hand creates an important sense of stability, which in turn helps your people focus in uncertain times.
Things will inevitably go wrong at some point. What matters is quickly spotting when something doesn’t work, figuring out why and making the necessary changes quickly.
Be clear about the direction you want your business to go in, the main levers to get there and put guiderails or boundaries in place that allow your people flexibility in how they deliver your goals.
Everyone in your business needs to be up to speed on any changing market dynamics and evolving plans. Even if there is no new or unclear information, it’s important for leaders to communicate that message with teams as well as elicit their ideas and views. Bottlenecks and barriers need to be understood early so they can be dealt with quickly. This allows decisions to be made where they matter most, at the front line.
Maintaining focus on the task at hand creates an important sense of stability, which in turn helps your people focus in uncertain times.
Things will inevitably go wrong at some point. What matters is quickly spotting when something doesn’t work, figuring out why and making the necessary changes quickly.
1. Hesmur research
1. Hesmur research
• peer-to-peer training
• agile mentors
• encouraging agile values and principles in your business by:
• using practical examples to show how agile working can benefit your people and your business
• changing some work practices around projects for example
• reviewing incentive structures
• developing networking opportunities within and outside your industry to broaden thinking
• peer-to-peer training
• agile mentors
• encouraging agile values and principles in your business by:
• using practical examples to show how agile working can benefit your people and your business
• changing some work practices around projects for example
• reviewing incentive structures
• developing networking opportunities within and outside your industry to broaden thinking
Do you have particularly challenging strategic or operational problem to resolve? Gather together a small group of people, preferably with different skills and backgrounds but ideally with an ability to think outside of the box and get them to solve the problem. The beauty of a skunkworks is that the team can focus on a single challenging issue, without introducing risk into the rest of your operation.
While there is rarely a shortage of market or performance data in modern businesses, truly insightful and actionable information is scarce commodity. Building a robust, yet focused, set of market and performance information is critical to empowering teams to make decisions and move forward. Understanding the metrics that matter helps align focus and provides the guiderails needed in an agile environment.
One of the main characteristics of an agile organization is empowering teams closest to the action to make decisions. While this can be uncomfortable for both leaders and teams not used to this way of operating, building sufficient checks and balances into the process can ease the transition. This can take the form of thresholds that are gradually eased, new management information or even peer review and coaching.
Building organizational agility doesn’t stop at your company’s walls. Adapting your organization to the changing environment requires a holistic view of your distribution networks, supply chain and manufacturing capabilities for example. Building flexibility and resilience into these elements can be one of the most straight forward ways of improving your organization’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
Do you have particularly challenging strategic or operational problem to resolve? Gather together a small group of people, preferably with different skills and backgrounds but ideally with an ability to think outside of the box and get them to solve the problem. The beauty of a skunkworks is that the team can focus on a single challenging issue, without introducing risk into the rest of your operation.
While there is rarely a shortage of market or performance data in modern businesses, truly insightful and actionable information is scarce commodity. Building a robust, yet focused, set of market and performance information is critical to empowering teams to make decisions and move forward. Understanding the metrics that matter helps align focus and provides the guiderails needed in an agile environment.
One of the main characteristics of an agile organization is empowering teams closest to the action to make decisions. While this can be uncomfortable for both leaders and teams not used to this way of operating, building sufficient checks and balances into the process can ease the transition. This can take the form of thresholds that are gradually eased, new management information or even peer review and coaching.
Building organizational agility doesn’t stop at your company’s walls. Adapting your organization to the changing environment requires a holistic view of your distribution networks, supply chain and manufacturing capabilities for example. Building flexibility and resilience into these elements can be one of the most straight forward ways of improving your organization’s ability to adapt to changing market conditions.
This leaves us with three lasting lessons from this period to take forward.
• Planning and executing in uncertainty is no longer the exception, but instead needs to be a core competency.
• Preparing for shocks is no longer just the preserve of risk managers but instead needs to be part of “business as usual” planning.
• Building a flexible and adaptable business model is critical to success.
Those of us that can grasp the nettle and take these learnings onboard can carve a new path for ourselves post Covid-19 and beyond.
This leaves us with three lasting lessons from this period to take forward.
• Planning and executing in uncertainty is no longer the exception, but instead needs to be a core competency.
• Preparing for shocks is no longer just the preserve of risk managers but instead needs to be part of “business as usual” planning.
• Building a flexible and adaptable business model is critical to success.
Those of us that can grasp the nettle and take these learnings onboard can carve a new path for ourselves post Covid-19 and beyond.
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