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Refuel, Recharge and Reenergize - Ideas and Insights to Kick Start Your New Year

QBE Virtual Event 

11am EST/9am MST/8am PST

If the last two years has taught us anything, energy and perseverance are key to overcoming obstacles and reaching our goals.  While some people have seemingly boundless reserves to draw from, most of us can easily admit we do not.  So, the question is, what can we do re-fuel and recharge so we can persevere and eventually succeed?  

During this inspirational and motivating event, successful entrepreneur and author Kendal Netmaker will share his personal journey of how he overcame huge obstacles to achieve extraordinary success.  No matter your challenges, Kendal’s experience is that if you can shift your mindset, you can change your circumstances. 

Sharing ideas and experiences detailed in his best-selling book Driven to Succeed, Kendal will offer:

  • Steps to developing a resilient mindset so you can stay positive and focused.
  • Tools to set and achieve your goals.
  • Strategies to reprogram your mind for success and abundance.
  • Ideas so you can create your personal formula to stay DRIVEN!

We welcome you to join us and find inspiration and ideas to achieve more than ever in the new year. To register, please click here.