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Fearless (as possible) – Reflections and lessons from a Music Mogul

QBE Virtual Event

Thursday 12th May 

11am EST/9am MST/8am PST

For many businesses, the winds of change are blowing - from digital disrupters, artificial intelligence (AI), globalization, to shifting consumer expectations.  It’s no longer enough to ‘manage’ (and stay still).  If the ability to lead through change is the defining marker of a great leader, at this event, you’ll meet one of Canada’s best.

Denise Donlon is a seasoned business executive, television producer, author, public speaker, and member of the Order of Canada.  From her debut on MuchMusic in the 80’s to her appointment as CEO of Sony Music Canada in the early 2000, to managing Canada’s English Public Radio network, she is a media trailerblazer and one of the first women in the music industry to achieve her level of success.  She also had the difficult responsibility of leading her Canadian team through the abrupt meldown of the global music industry when Napster became a household name. 

Sharing her experiences, honest reflections and stories from celebrity encounters, Denise aims to help and inspire both individuals and business leaders. This event will consider: 

  • How to foster agility - When the survival of a business is a stake, Denise’s observations is that change is the only way to evolve and survive.  Her team was able to adapt under fire and she’ll share ideas to help you embrace this elusive trait.  
  • The importance of governance - As a champion for socially responsible broadcasting, Denise will provide proof positive that strong governance and a corporate culture founded on integrity is good business.  She’ll also share how anyone, regardless of occupation, can seek to make a positive contribution.
  • Ways to increase diversity in leadership – Women and minorities remain woefully underrepresented on boards, in politics and as CEOs.  She’ll share her perspective for how others can break through the glass ceiling, encourage diversity and inspire change.

 We hope you can join us on a musical journey with this truly special media trailblazer.

To secure your place now, complete the registration form here.